The Challenge of Knowledge Equity
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Møde i KU Seniorforum 27. marts 2024 kl 17 i lokale 33.0.13
Martsmødet i KU Seniorforum har slagordet Knowledge Equity i centrum. Seniorforums gæst er professor Simone Buitendijk som er medstifter af Knowledge Equity Network (se:, og det er som sådan hun holder oplæg.
Karen Borgnakke vil indlede mødet med en præsentation af begrebet Knowledge Equity set fra Danmark, hvorefter Simone Buitendijk selv vil holde oplæg om Knowledge Equity og hvad netværket går ud på.
Simone Buitendijk er mediciner og har haft en lang karriere i Holland og England, hvor hun senest har været rektor for Leeds University. For øjeblikket er hun midlertidig rektor for Salford University i Manchester. Mødet vil foregå på engelsk, og der er som sædvanlig vin og ost – og ikke mindst diskussion – bagefter.
Simone Buitendijk has sent us this abstract:
We are living in a time of economic and political instability, growing inequity, population displacements and climate crisis. These are challenges that threaten the health and wellbeing of the entire global population.
Universities are uniquely placed to tackle these major issues. They train the next generation of global citizens and change makers, and carry out the research that can lead to evidence based, impactful interventions to meet global challenges.
Universities can do so best if they are networked and highly collaborative, and focused on sharing their knowledge unhindered by barriers of cost or time. Ultimately, they should focus on being highly collaborative and on removing the competition between them.
In her presentation for the Senior Forum at the University of Copenhagen, professor Simone Buitendijk will talk about the Knowledge Equity Network that she co-founded at the University of Leeds. It is focused on sharing knowledge through global partnerships, to create a fairer and better world.
A short BIO of Professor Simone Buitendijk can be found through this link: